Music and Concentration
For many of us, background noise helps us to concentrate. Many students need the same background noise to focus. Did you know the type of music you play should also correlate with air pressure? I am sure you are wondering what I am talking about at this point. So, let's explore! :)As a general rule of thumb you would want music which plays at 50 - 70 beats per minute on average (Mozart is the most commonly used). This tempo is optimal for learning, reduces muscle tension, and slows pulse rate.
What does this mean for students? It slows them down and helps them to concentrate.
KAGAN Learning sells great CDs to assist with different types of music for learning:
School of Education explains how different types of music will shape your classroom:
You will find many ideas that feel comfortable and exciting to you in this book. You will probably also find techniques that do not resonate for you. Keep in mind that you do not have to use music in all the ways presented here in order to be effective in enhancing learning through music. The addition of even one music technique in your classroom will add richness and improve the learning process. My suggestion is for you to begin your musical journey by incorporating one technique that resonates greatly with your teaching style. When you have mastered this use of music in your classroom, go on to explore a new method. Your students enthusiasm and response will be a guideline and incentive for future ideas and uses.
Music for Learning Suggestions
Focus and Concentration Music
Play as background music while students study, read, or write to:
· increase attention levels
· improve retention and memory
· extend focused learning time
· expand thinking skills
- Relax with the Classics. The LIND Institute. Accelerated Learning research indicates slow Baroque music increases concentration. It works!
- Velvet Dreams. Daniel Kobialka's exceptional music-favorite classics such as Pachelbel's Canon at a very slow tempo.
- Celtic Fantasy. Kobialka uses the warmth of Celtic music played slowly to facilitate relaxed focus.
- Music for Relaxation. Chapman and Miles. Quietly sets a calming mood.
- Baroque Music to Empower Learning and Relaxation. The Barzak Institute uses slow and fast Baroque era music to hold attention.
- Mozart and Baroque Music. The Barzak Institute. A useful compilation with 30 minutes of Mozart and 30 minutes of Baroque music.
- Mozart Effect: Strengthen the Mind Enhance Focus with Energizing Mozart, selected by Don Campbell.
- An Dun. Calming the Emotions Chinese music that actually does calm and appeals to all ages.
- Accelerating Learning. Steven Halpern's music assists learners in focus and is good background for reading-free-flowing and peaceful.
Play as background for activities such as:
· journalling or writing
· problem-solving or goal-setting
· background for project work
· brainstorming
- Pianoforte. Eric Daub. This thoughtful classical piano music sets the tone for introspective creativity and processing. Excellent!
- Medicine Woman I or II. Medwyn Goodall gives us music to delve into deep thoughts and meaningful feelings.
- Oceans. Christopher Peacock. Motivating and great team-building music.
- Mozart Effect: Relax, Daydream and Draw. Don Campbell's collection of reflective Mozart for gently enhancing creativity.
- Fairy Ring. Mike Rowlands' touching music in a classical style. Long cuts hold the mood. Good for reading with important information or stories.
- Living Music and Touch. Michael Jones uses solo piano music to encourage reflection.
Play as background for entries, exits, breaks. Use to:
· greet your students
· create a welcoming atmosphere
· set a learning rhythm
· expand musical awareness
- Dance of the Renaissance. Richard Searles. Delightful music of 15th-17th century England. This upbeat music appeals to all ages.
- Emerald Castles. Richard Searles. Pleasing sounds of the Celtic countries played on acoustic instruments.
- 1988 Summer Olympics. Various rock songs from the Olympics that inspire.
- Celtic Destiny. Bruce Mitchell. Dynamic instrumental Celtic music. Stimulating with a variety of paces.
- Sun Spirit. Deuter. Delightful flute music that energizes melodiously.
- The Four Seasons. Vivaldi Beautiful melodies to set a warm mood no matter what the season.
- Boundaries. Scott Wilkie. Relaxed jazz to set a an easy-going learning pace.
- Echoes of Incas. Ventana al Sol. Joyful South American melodies and rhythms open the door to learning.
Use for a sound break or movement activities to:
· increase productivity
· energize students during daily energy lulls
· provide a stimulating sound break to increase attention
· make exercise more fun
· encourage movement activities
- Tunes for Trainers. An all-in-one CD with categories of Fun Stuff, Energy Break, Brainstorm, Quiet moods and more.
- Jazzy Tunes for Trainers. A versatile compilation with lively background music for a wide variety of teaching and training activities.
- Earth Tribe Rhythms. Brent Lewis. This wonderful rhythmic music is played on 20 tuned drums for both rhythm and melody. Great for any movement activities.
- Best of Ray Lynch. Ray Lynch A classic electronic and acoustic recording that adds fun and interest. Useful for topic associations.
- Funny 50's and Silly 60's. Old songs that are just plain fun like Purple People Eater, Wooly Bully and more.
- Hooked on Classics. The beat that doesn't quit! Great for body and brain wakeups.
- Earth, Sea, and Sky. Nature recordings. Provides a variety of sounds.
- Best of World Dance Music. Hopping happy music from everywhere. Some vocal and some instrumental. Music selected by Chris Brewer, LifeSounds. To order call 561-575-0929 or email CDS $16 Cassettes $11
for using music to enhance learning!
"Take a music bath once or twice a week for music is to the soul
what water is to the body."
-- Oliver Wendall Holmes
Here are sound directions on how using Relax with the Classics in the classroom for focus, concentration and memory.
Relax with the Classics from the LIND Institute
These slow, Baroque selections are between 55 and 80 beats per minute. Research has shown that this music will help you maintain focus and concentration. It assists you in reaching the alpha brain wave state, a state which enhances learning and memorization.
Use this music
· during writing or reading activities
· with Passive Concerts in Accelerated Learning teaching and training (for more information, see Music for Learning, by Chris Brewer)
· Pachelbel's Canon in D is especially useful for synthesizing and summarizing activities (such as the Overhead/Power Point Review form of Passive Concerts)
· during tests, goal-setting
· for mind-calming exercises
· to relax
Tips for Memorizing Words, Terms Facts (Passive Concert):
· Select text important to the content such as explanatory information (text from a book or reading), words and their definitions, or a metaphorical story.
· Ask your participants to sit comfortably and give them time to settle in, close their eyes, sit back, etc. Let them know they will be hearing music for a minute or two and then you will begin your reading.
· Begin the music and let it play for a minute or two. Then begin to read your content information slowly and in a calm voice that is loud enough to be heard above the music. The music and your voice should be about equal or your voice should be slightly louder. If reading words and definitions, pause for a mental count of 4 between sets of words. Keep your reading to 30 words/definitions or 3-5 minutes or text-less for young students.
· When you have completed your reading, allow the music to play for a minute or two after you have finished speaking, then slowly turn the volume down on the CD player.
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